Your Frontend UI Copilot

Type to generate UI components with AI

Generate an account management dashboard with sections for account overview, referral credits, API management, and Google Drive integration.

Create a user onboarding dashboard with three interactive list items: 'Collect feedback', 'Import & sync data', and 'Capture customer ideas', each with distinct icons and a forward navigation arrow.

Design subtle hover effects that reveal user information on hover (e.g., name, title) using frontend animations and styling. Optionally, clicking the avatar could navigate to a user profile page.

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Generate components from text descriptions

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Design a select where hovering over an option triggers a mini-preview. This preview could be a small image, short description, or even a pop-up window displaying additional information about the chosen option.

Design individual security setting cards with clear icons and labels explaining each setting's function. Clicking on a card could reveal detailed descriptions and customization options

Create clear and concise content within the chip. This could include text labels, icons, or a combination of both, accurately reflecting the information being displayed.

Develop a dropdown component for a language learning app, allowing users to select their preferred language from a list of available options

Generate an FAQ section for a website with a header, an introductory text, and a list of common questions with corresponding answers.

Create a project development tracking interface with sections for backlog, in progress, and completed tasks, including task descriptions and status labels.

Generate a grid layout showcasing popular software integrations. Each grid item should contain the software logo, name, a brief description, and a call-to-action for a discount offer.

Design an empty state component for a search results page, featuring an eye-catching graphic and message when a search query returns no results, along with suggestions to refine the search terms or explore related categories.

Create a user onboarding dashboard with three interactive list items: 'Collect feedback', 'Import & sync data', and 'Capture customer ideas', each with distinct icons and a forward navigation arrow.

Design a referral component with a gamified element. Referrals could earn users points, badges, or unlock exclusive rewards, promoting continued participation

Design subtle hover effects that reveal user information on hover (e.g., name, title) using frontend animations and styling. Optionally, clicking the avatar could navigate to a user profile page.

Create a vertical navigation menu with sections for administrative and personal options, including company, developers, profile, and a sandbox workspace.

Offer social sign-in options using platforms like Google, Facebook, or Apple. This allows users to log in with existing credentials, reducing signup friction and increasing convenience.

Design a compact action panel for a weather widget, allowing users to expand and collapse panels for viewing current weather conditions with interactive elements such as buttons for refreshing data and toggling between temperature units.

Create a switch for a settings menu in a mobile app, allowing users to toggle various app features such as notifications, dark mode, location tracking, or in-app purchases, with visual indicators to show the current state of each switch.

Design testimonial sections with visually appealing layouts. Experiment with different configurations (e.g., single hero testimonial, grid layout) and utilize white space and clear hierarchy to ensure readability.

Create a menu component for website, featuring navigation links to different sections such as Home, Menu, About Us

Generate a simple sign-up form with a full name field and a password field. Design a basic account creation screen with a full name input and a password input. Create a user registration interface with a full name field and a password field.

Create a drag and drop component for a website builder platform, empowering users to design and customize their website layout by dragging and dropping elements such as text boxes, images, and widgets onto the page canvas.

Design a checkbox list component for a to-do list application, allowing users to create and manage tasks with checkboxes for marking tasks as complete, drag-and-drop functionality for reordering tasks, and a text input field for adding new tasks.

Create a project development tracking interface with sections for backlog, in progress, and completed tasks, including task descriptions and status labels.

Generate a grid layout showcasing popular software integrations. Each grid item should contain the software logo, name, a brief description, and a call-to-action for a discount offer.

Design an empty state component for a search results page, featuring an eye-catching graphic and message when a search query returns no results, along with suggestions to refine the search terms or explore related categories.

Create a user onboarding dashboard with three interactive list items: 'Collect feedback', 'Import & sync data', and 'Capture customer ideas', each with distinct icons and a forward navigation arrow.

Design a referral component with a gamified element. Referrals could earn users points, badges, or unlock exclusive rewards, promoting continued participation

Design subtle hover effects that reveal user information on hover (e.g., name, title) using frontend animations and styling. Optionally, clicking the avatar could navigate to a user profile page.

Create a vertical navigation menu with sections for administrative and personal options, including company, developers, profile, and a sandbox workspace.

Offer social sign-in options using platforms like Google, Facebook, or Apple. This allows users to log in with existing credentials, reducing signup friction and increasing convenience.

Design a compact action panel for a weather widget, allowing users to expand and collapse panels for viewing current weather conditions with interactive elements such as buttons for refreshing data and toggling between temperature units.

Create a switch for a settings menu in a mobile app, allowing users to toggle various app features such as notifications, dark mode, location tracking, or in-app purchases, with visual indicators to show the current state of each switch.

Design testimonial sections with visually appealing layouts. Experiment with different configurations (e.g., single hero testimonial, grid layout) and utilize white space and clear hierarchy to ensure readability.

Create a menu component for website, featuring navigation links to different sections such as Home, Menu, About Us

Generate a simple sign-up form with a full name field and a password field. Design a basic account creation screen with a full name input and a password input. Create a user registration interface with a full name field and a password field.

Create a drag and drop component for a website builder platform, empowering users to design and customize their website layout by dragging and dropping elements such as text boxes, images, and widgets onto the page canvas.

Design a checkbox list component for a to-do list application, allowing users to create and manage tasks with checkboxes for marking tasks as complete, drag-and-drop functionality for reordering tasks, and a text input field for adding new tasks.

Implement subtle animations for tab transitions. When users switch between tabs, animate the change to provide visual feedback and enhance the feeling of interactivity.

Generate a pricing plan selection popup modal interface with multiple tiers, cancellation, and confirmation options.

Implement dynamic color schemes for the stats component. Colors can adapt based on data trends (e.g., green for positive, red for negative) or align with your overall brand theme, creating a visually cohesive experience.

Generate a service subscription selection interface with three plans: Team, Agency, and Enterprise, including price, 'Get Started' buttons, and a features checklist.

Design a data card component that incorporates interactive data visualization elements like charts or graphs.

Design testimonial sections with visually appealing layouts. Experiment with different configurations (e.g., single hero testimonial, grid layout) and utilize white space and clear hierarchy to ensure readability.

Create a menu component for website, featuring navigation links to different sections such as Home, Menu, About Us

Generate a simple sign-up form with a full name field and a password field. Design a basic account creation screen with a full name input and a password input. Create a user registration interface with a full name field and a password field.

Create a drag and drop component for a website builder platform, empowering users to design and customize their website layout by dragging and dropping elements such as text boxes, images, and widgets onto the page canvas.

Design a checkbox list component for a to-do list application, allowing users to create and manage tasks with checkboxes for marking tasks as complete, drag-and-drop functionality for reordering tasks, and a text input field for adding new tasks.

Implement subtle animations for tab transitions. When users switch between tabs, animate the change to provide visual feedback and enhance the feeling of interactivity.

Generate a pricing plan selection popup modal interface with multiple tiers, cancellation, and confirmation options.

Implement dynamic color schemes for the stats component. Colors can adapt based on data trends (e.g., green for positive, red for negative) or align with your overall brand theme, creating a visually cohesive experience.

Generate a service subscription selection interface with three plans: Team, Agency, and Enterprise, including price, 'Get Started' buttons, and a features checklist.

Design a data card component that incorporates interactive data visualization elements like charts or graphs.

Design a multi-select menu that visually indicates selected options. This could involve highlighting chosen items with color or adding checkmarks to provide immediate confirmation of user selections.

Create a link component for a blog website's navigation menu, allowing users to navigate to different sections of the website such as the homepage, blog archive, categories, and contact page, with visually distinguishable links and hover effects.

Create new interface for automated workflows to save time, personalize member experiences, and enhance community engagement with a call-to-action to create the first workflow.

Make breadcrumbs clickable links, allowing users to navigate back to previous sections within the hierarchy. This streamlines user journeys and provides easy backtracking.

Construct a customer support card with chat interface with a search bar and categorized FAQ accordion items.

Generate a confirmation alert box for removing software with a warning message and options to cancel or confirm the action.

Design a cookies banner for an e-commerce platform, explaining how cookies are used for tracking shopping cart contents and user preferences, with a prominent Accept button for consenting to cookie usage.

Generate a chat application interface with user profiles, message timestamps, chat bubbles, and an input area for typing messages.

Develop a text area component for a blog post editor, enabling writers to compose and format long-form articles with rich text editing features such as bold, italics, bullet points, and hyperlinks.

Create a contact us component that allows users to prioritize their inquiries. Offer options like Urgent or General Inquiry to route messages to the appropriate team for faster response.

Create a tooltip component for an e-commerce website's product images, providing additional information such as product specifications, availability, or pricing when users hover over the images with their mouse cursor.

Create a modal form for adding subscription plans with fields for plan name, description, features, and image upload.

Design a permission section for a language learning platform, explaining the app's request for access to microphone and camera features for speech recognition and interactive lessons, with transparent explanations of how user data is used to improve learning experiences.

Design stacked list elements with a visually appealing hierarchy. Utilize appropriate spacing, color variations, and font sizes to clearly differentiate individual items within the stack.

Design a hero section that unfolds like an interactive story. Animated elements or user interactions unveil layers of information, grabbing user attention and piquing their interest.

Bring your own theme or create one

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Text to Code

Generate components from text descriptions.

Describe in English what you want the UI component to look like and do, PureCode AI will generate and render the code you can then directly edit.



Create or Upload

Generate components that match your theme by providing config.js files or creating from scratch.

Pick & Edit

Fast and Easy Updates

Update generations with speed and efficiency by selecting part of the rendered component and entering the new text description.


VS Code Extension

Do it all in your favorite code editor.

Generate, update and preview the component along with code. All with-in VS code.

Thousands of pre-generated components in multiple frameworks
Describe in English what you want the UI component to look like and do, PureCode AI will generate and render the code you can then directly edit.
Don't just take our word for it
“Using PureCode AI to instantly generate production ready components cuts out hours of mundane development work on projects.”
Rob Tucker
Lead MERN Developer
“Uploading our project theme and instantly generating components has been a game changer for the team. A must have for React.js developers.”
Julia DeBoer
Front End Engineer
“I'm delighted with! The VS Code extension is incredibly useful for developers looking to save time writing React.JS”
Suman Chopra
Senior Full Stack Developer
“This tool saves me considerable time and effort on the front end. After prompting, it creates exactly what I need, whether it's with Tailwind CSS, MaterialUI, or just plain CSS”
Olivia Marcello
React.js Developer
“Incredibly helpful dev tool. I especially like the quick UI and customized functions, as well as the simple preview feature.”
Evander Brown
Front End Engineer
“ This tool paid for itself many times over by saving billable hours on my freelancing jobs.”
Pavel Kovalenko
Freelance Full Stack Developer

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PureCode is powered by generative AI

For developers that want to speed up their front end development flow

For organizations that want to speed up their front end development with added support, security, & functionality


Browse thousands of MUI, Tailwind, React components that are fully customizable and responsive. Bring your ideas and projects to life faster with PureCode.

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  • Tailwind Forms
  • MUI Card
  • MUI Form
  • MUI Modal
  • MUI Header
  • Tailwind Header

UI Elements

  • Tailwind Button
  • MUI Button
  • MUI Table
  • MUI Textfield
  • Tailwind Table
  • MUI Checkbox
  • MUI Accordion


  • Tailwind
  • MUI
  • CSS

Popular Blogs

  • How to use Tailwind Config
  • How to create a Tailwind Dropdown
  • Steps to Make Beautiful Tailwind Cards
  • All you need to know about Tailwind Buttons
  • MUI Typography tutorial
  • Ultimate CSS Button generator
  • MUI popper components


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